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Antonio Leto Articles.
Theatre - Theatre Artists & Authors
Gary Brackett

A temporary autonomous space would also be good, an autonomous place in which one can feel free to create. In our workshops we try to re-create this kind of place for experimenting, playing, speaking about politics, death and collective creation. >>>

Theatre - Theatre Reviews
Uomini al Buio / Claudio Collovā

Collova's travel in the meanders of James Joyce's Ulysses has started with "Uomini al Buio" during Rosso Festival organized by Emma Dante at Regina Margherita theatre in Caltanissetta with a suggestive performance of Filippo Luna >>>

Theatre - Theatre Companies
Danlenuār - Entrevista con Maria Francesca Spagnolo

"Creo que hay una relación profunda entre cuerpo, alma y mente y hasta ahora he podido constatar que es muy difícil encontrarla y devolverla a sí y a los demás, no sólo en la escena sino >>>

Theatre - Theatre Companies
Danlenuār - Interview with Giacomo Guarneri

My grandmother, Marianna, had got strong calfes, a curved nose and coral drop earring. Once upon a time, in Palermo (she was already old and Dario and me were two little children ever drawing their doodles on the >>>

Music - Musicians
Emiliano Turazzi

Emiliano Turazzi wurde 1970 in Mailand geboren. In sehr frühen Jahren begann er Klarinette und Saxophon zu spielen und fand bald Zugang zum Avantgarde-Jazz sowie zu improvisierter und zeitgenössischer Musik, was ihn schließlich >>>

in Music - Musicians by Antonio Leto on 02/12/2008 - Comments (0)

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Mayte Vaos

Danzar es estar entre dos mundos. Danza implica movimiento, contradiccion.

La danza comienza cuando Eva y Adan comen del arbol de la sabiduria y son expulsados del paraiso.se encuentran de repente en un mundo con pares de >>>

Theatre - Theatre Artists & Authors
Chi per Es Teatro. Francesca Tortora

Interview with Francesca Tortora: actress, director and co-founder of "Chi per Es teatro" with the guitar player and composer Davide Chiarello. She is actually working to a new project about virtuality and chat rooms.

Theatre - Dancers & Dance Companies
Cinzia Scordėa

We met Cinzia in Catania and Palermo during the first two meetings of Y+quasar. Taking part to the first national performance of Doc. in Catania. This is a performance dedicated to all the people suffering any kind of deliberate robbery. >>>

Theatre - Theatre Bibliography
Bibliografia teatrale

Questa č una scelta, non esaustiva, di testi che trattano, in modo piu' o meno approfondito e tangenziale, varii aspetti universali della creazione teatrale.

> Platone, - La Repubblica (Libro Settimo) - Biblioteca >>>

Theatre - Editorial
El arte invisible

"Es un destino muy extrano de verdad lo de aprender un arte para que no se vea nada de eso"
Decroux - Palabras sobre el Mimo

in Theatre - Editorial by Antonio Leto on 26/05/2008 - Comments (0)

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