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depart News.
Italy - Milano - Dep Art
until the 19/12/2015
Turi Simeti. White Paintings
The exhibition represents a homage to one of the most relevant artists of the international artistic panorama, who has been active for over 50 years and stood out for his capacity of undertaking an original and coherent research centred around >>>


Italy - Milano - Dep Art Gallery
until the 30/05/2015
Antologia Rossa - Pino Pinelli
La Galleria Dep Art inaugura una importante mostra retrospettiva con opere dagli anni ’70 ad oggi: dai primi monocromi che indagano lo "stato ansioso" della pittura fino alla “rottura del quadro” e le conseguenti “disseminazioni”.


Italy - Milano - Galleria Dep Art
until the 12/07/2014
Black - Nero - Noir
A black blacker than black. Would it ever be possible?


Italy - Milano - Dep Art Gallery
until the 21/12/2013
Ludwig Wilding “Kinetische und programmierte Kunst: 1967/2008”
An unquestioned Master of German kinetic art: Ludwig Wilding. The twenty-five works exhibited offer a complete view of his research upon apparent movement and stereoscopic vision.


Italy - Milano - Dep Art Gallery
until the 27/07/2013
Turi Simeti
The exhibition's aim is to rediscover the origins of Turi Simeti to retrace, together with the artist, the main moments that followed the foundation of the Gruppo Zero.


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