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p.delcontemporaneo News.
Italy - Venezia - Forte Marghera - Parco del Contemporaneo
until the 30/09/2012
LZlab - Roundtable #2
Il secondo appuntamento dedicato all’analisi e alla messa in rete degli spazi pubblici e delle iniziative no-profit per l’arte contemporanea in Veneto.


Italy - Venezia - Forte Marghera - Parco del Contemporaneo
until the 28/10/2012
Near East far East
An exhibition dedicated to contemporary art in Taiwan, in particular relations with the history, society, the environment, the symbolic image of the country.


Italy - Venezia - Forte Marghera - Parco del Contemporaneo
until the 31/08/2012
Future, Landscape. A changing exhibition. II Act
An exhibition in two acts, an integration and specification on the same subject to notify the breadth and complexity. Speaking of landscape implies a continual update of sorts, which is why an exhibition devoted to this topic can not follow the >>>


Italy - Venezia - Forte Marghera - Parco del Contemporaneo
until the 08/07/2012
Future, Landscape. A changing exhibition. I Act
What remains today of the landscape between residues of the past production and processing, environmental restoration and abandonment, a feeling of nostalgia for the land as a place of belonging and visions of another possible future? The exhibition >>>


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