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Art News - Architecture | by aMAZElab in Art News - Architecture on 02/10/2012- Comments (0)
Tirana Architecture Week
The first edition of Tirana Architecture Week, organized by Polis University, presents a full calendar of exhibitions, conferences, urban interventions and a competition for young artists and designers.
Open City Balkani, aims to identify the city as an open space, a place of exchange and encounter, of freedom and equity, a crossroads of cultures in which the individual may become a 'citizen’.
The first edition of Tirana Architecture Week, organized by Polis University, presents a full calendar of exhibitions, conferences, urban interventions and a competition for young artists and designers. At the exhibition participates the cultural organization aMAZElab from Milano, in the frame of the program Revival of City Squares in the Balkans, with the display '‘Open City’, a project by Claudia Zanfi in collaboration with EU Commission, Art and Culture Program: works on paper by 30 artists from the Balkans (Pavel Braila, Calin Dan, Danica Dakic, Oliver Musovik, Anton Petrov, Tadej Pogacar, Igor Sovilj, Zaneta Vangeli, Shoba, ect…). Open City Balkani means to identify the city as an open space, a place of exchange and encounter, of freedom and equity, a crossroads of cultures.

Open City Balkani, aims to identify the city as an open space, a place of exchange and encounter, of freedom and equity, a crossroads of cultures in which the individual may become a 'citizen’.
This program explores the borderlands between city and community, featuring eyewitnesses and researchers into narration and its links with the oral tradition, as well as international artists committed with installations in public space. Open City Balkani is therefore an arena of potentiality, multiculturalism and interdisciplinarity.

Tirana Architecture Week
La prima edizione di Tirana Architecture Week, organizzata della Polis University, presenta un ricco calendario di mostre, conferenze, interventi urbani, e un concorso per giovani artisti e designer.
Open City Balkani, punta a identificare la città come un incrocio di culture e di dialogo, in cui l'individuo può essere riconosciuto come "cittadino".
La prima edizione di Tirana Architecture Week, organizzata della Polis University, presenta un ricco calendario di mostre, conferenze, interventi urbani, e un concorso per giovani artisti e designer. Partecipa lo studio di progettazione culturale aMAZElab, all'interno del programma Revival of City Squares in the Balkans, con la mostra ‘Open City’, un progetto di Claudia Zanfi, in collaborazione con: EU Commission, Art and Culture Program, raccoglie opere su carta di oltre 30 artisti dei Balkani (tra cui Pavel Braila, Calin Dan, Danica Dakic, Oliver Musovik, Anton Petrov, Tadej Pogacar, Igor Sovilj, Zaneta Vangeli, Shoba, ect…), sul tema della piazza e dello spazio pubblico, come luogo di scambi, di incontri, di libertà ed equità.

Open City Balkani, punta a identificare la città come un incrocio di culture e di dialogo, in cui l'individuo può essere riconosciuto come "cittadino".

Questo programma esplora la zona di confine tra città e comunità, rappresentando una testimonianza e una ricerca verso la narrazione dei luoghi, in cui artisti internazionali sono invitati a ideare installazioni nello spazio pubblico. Open City Balkani è pertanto un'arena di potenzialità, multiculturalismo e interdisciplinarità.
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PERIOD: from 09/10/2012 to 15/10/2012
CITY: Tirana
NATION: No Country
VENUE: Tirana Polis University
ADDRESS: Tirana Ekpres
TELEPHONE: +355.(0)4.2407420
EMAIL: contact@universitetipolis.edu.al
WEB: www.tiranaarchitectureweek.com

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