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CelestePrize News.
Italy - Florence - Celeste Network
until the 29/02/2016
Skin, Visible White Photo Prize
SKIN, 5th edition of Visible White Photo Prize 2016, is an open call for photographic works open to all photographers, artists and creatives using photography, regardless of age, sex, experience, occupation or geographic location.


Italy - Milan - Celeste Network
until the 15/07/2015
Celeste Prize 2015, 7th edition
Enter a work or project which will be reviewed by top, international art curators and critics, and promoted worldwide. Celeste Prize is an international contemporary art prize open to all artists, photographers and creatives, without limits of age >>>


Italy - Florence - Celeste Network
until the 30/06/2015
Celeste Prize 2015
Nehmen Sie mit einem Ihrer Werke teil, das von internationalen Kuratoren und Kunstkritikern begutachtet und weltweit promotet wird. Der Celeste Prize ist ein internationaler Preis für zeitgenössische Kunst, der für junge und bereits etablierte >>>


Italy - Florence - Celeste Network
until the 28/02/2015
Visible White Photo Prize 2015
Visible White is a photographic’s open call open to photographers and artists worldwide, without limits of age or experience.


Italy - Firenze - Fondazione Studio Marangoni
until the 28/02/2015
Visible White Photo Prize 2015
Which new iconographies can represent the family?
In which ways can you question the family’s status as a socially significant institution today?


Italy - Milano - Celeste Network
until the 30/07/2014
Celeste Prize 2014
The deadline to submit the artworks to Celeste Prize 2014 has been extended to 30 July. Your opportunity to show your work to a top, international jury of art curators and critics led by chief-curator Elena Sorokina. Celeste Prize is an annual, >>>


Italy - Florence - Celeste Network
until the 27/06/2014
Celeste Prize 2014
Don't miss this opportunity to show your work to a top, international jury of art curators and critics led by chief-curator Elena Sorokina. Celeste Prize is an annual, international contemporary art prize which supports quality work by emerging >>>


Italy - Milan - Celeste Network
until the 15/06/2014
Celeste Prize 2014
Celeste Prize is an international contemporary art prize which supports quality work by emerging artists in a worldwide, talent scouting environment. Every year thousands of artists use the prize to promote their works and their careers.


Italy - Firenze - Celeste Network
until the 15/06/2014
Premio Celeste 2014
Il Premio Celeste 2014, giunto alla sua XI edizione, ha come obiettivo principale quello di constatare il punto di arrivo dell’arte contemporanea in Italia e lo fa come ogni anno invitando artisti italiani ed internazionali che lavorano sul >>>


Italy - online - Celeste Network
until the 15/07/2014
Celeste Prize 2014
Celeste Prize is an international contemporary arts prize which supports quality work by emerging artists in a worldwide, talent scouting environment. Every year thousands of artists use the prize to promote their works and their careers.


No Country - online - Celeste Network
until the 10/03/2014
Proroga Visible White
Il nuovo termine ultimo per aderire a Visible White è il 10 marzo, concorso internazionale per fotografi e video artisti a cura di Marinella Paderni e Paul di Felice, ideato da Celeste Network e la Fondazione Studio Marangoni. In palio 3.000 euro di >>>


Italy - Napoli - PAN
until the 13/10/2013
Opening Premio Celeste 2013
Opening e la premiazione dei quaranta finalisti della X edizione del Premio Celeste 2013.


Italy - Celeste Network - online
until the 16/08/2013
Celeste Prize 2013
Celeste Prize, 5th Edition, is an international contemporary arts prize which shows quality work by emerging artists in a worldwide, talent scouting environment.


No Country - online - Celeste Network
until the 10/07/2013
Premio Celeste 2013, proroga
Il termine ultimo per partecipare al Premio Celeste 2013 è stato prorogato per far fronte alle numerose richieste. Il Premio Celeste, giunto alla X edizione è dedicato a tutti gli artisti che lavorano in Italia e a tutti gli italiani che lavorano >>>


Italy - online - Celeste Network
until the 30/06/2013
Premio Celeste 2013
La X edizione del Premio Celeste è curata da Andrea Bruciati.
La mostra finale si terrà al Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, dove i quaranta finalisti selezionati esporranno le proprie opere.


No Country - Online - Celeste Network
until the 31/07/2013
Celeste Prize 2013, 5th edition
Join Celeste Prize by 31 July 2013. It's your opportunity to have your work picked by our team of international curators and be part of a talent scouting environment. Artists from around the world can submit their work, regardless of age, profession >>>


Italy - - online
until the 30/06/2013
Premio Celeste 2013
Premio Celeste rappresenta un caposaldo per la scoperta di nuovi talenti e la divulgazione dell’arte contemporanea in Italia; il Premio da voce a migliaia di artisti, promuovendo le loro opere con impegno e professionalità.


United States - Miami - Miami Beach Regional Library
until the 08/12/2012
The End
The End is an international call for works in any media, curated by the US-based Gean Moreno. Which new visual forms can the idea of 'the end' generate in our particularly turbulent historical moment?


Italy - Roma - Centrale Montermartini
until the 09/12/2012
Celeste Prize 2012
Open call to all artists worldwide, without limits of age or experience.


Italy - Roma - Ex-Gil
until the 02/11/2012
Premio Celeste 2012
Benvenuto alla IX Edizione del Premio Celeste! Se sei un artista in cerca di opportunità il Premio Celeste è dedicato a te! Adesioni entro il 30 giugno 2012.


Italy - Milan - Spazio Superground
until the 30/09/2012
Mine, Explosion of Self
MINE is an international call for artistic projects which investigates the theme of Self as a motor of shock and change in our society. Artists worldwide, without limits of age or experience, can submit works in any media.


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